Mystery Coffee Mark 17 - 1kg
Next up, it's Mystery Mark 17!
Delicious? Check.
Bargain? Check.
Top grade? Check.
1 whole Kilo for just £22.00 - cripes!
2KG Green for £28.00 - jeepers creepers!
The CC faithful (which hopefully you are one of) have really enjoyed the Mystery coffee concept since its inception. Basically it recreates blind cupping, which is essential in our business as a coffee is judged solely on the right criteria - taste and flavour - so why not try this yourself?
No details on this coffee, it's a mystery!
We are subsidising this price to give something back to our customers.
There is another aspect though to why we don't give the details. This is a Speciality coffee and the farms get mighty annoyed if you sell the fruits of their labour cheaply whilst putting their name to it (as do our competitors!). So in the interest of not receiving angry phone calls we're keeping the details to ourselves. Enjoy!
Price shown per 1KG